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时间:2018-04-15 16:29 来源:股窜网 作者:股窜网 阅读:

Like causes produce like effects. Wireless telegraphy, the phonograph and the radio are based on this law. The limit of future predictions based on exact mathematical law is only restricted by lack of knowledge of correct data on past history to work from. It is just as easy to figure 100 years or 1000 years in the future as one or two years ahead, if you have the correct starting point and know the cycle which is going to be repeated.


"A few years ago even scientific men, not alone the public, would have laughed at such a thing and refused to believe it. But mathematical science, which is the only real science that the entire civilized world has agreed upon, furnishes unmistakable proof of history repeating itself and shows that the cycle theory, or harmonic analysis, is the only thing that we can rely upon to ascertain the future.


"'How do I forecast future cycles?' you may ask. In order to forecast future cycles, the most important thing is to begin right, for if we have the right beginning, we will get the right ending. If we know the cause of the effect, then there can be no doubt about predicting the future event or effect.



"I have always looked for causes and when once I determine a cause I can always be sure of the effect or future event which I predict. IT IS NOT MY AIM TO EXPLAIN THE CAUSE OF CYCLES. The general public is not yet ready for it and probably would not understand or believe it if I explained it.


"In every law of nature there is a major and a minor; a positive, a negative, and a neutral. Therefore, in cycles there must be a lesser, a greater and intermediate cycle, or cycles within cycles. Like Ezekiel says: 'Wheel within a wheel.'



"Time is the great factor that proves all things. The measurement of time first originated and is based on the earth's motion upon its axis. One of the smallest cycles, or time factors, which repeats regularly in things that are very active and have a high vibration, is the four-minute cycle. The reason for this is that the earth moves one degree every four minutes. The next cycle is 24 hours, the complete time required for the earth to make one revolution upon its axis. That is how man measured his cycle of a day. The next important cycle is one year, the time required for the earth to move around the sun. This brings about the four seasons of the year. These are the minor cycles.


"The major cycles run in 100 and 5000 years with variations based on minor cycles. In order to be sure of world events and important changes, it is necessary to go back at least 1000 years and prove up the cycles. …






我们看一下这一段:"The major cycles run in 100 and 5000 years with variations based on minor cycles. In order to be sure of world events and important changes, it is necessary to go back at least 1000 years and prove up the cycles. …

郭是这么翻译的:“建立在次级循环上的主要循环,一般长达100年至5000年,若要确认大的事件和重要的变化,至少要回顾1000年以证实循环的存在。” 我们看一下,

而其中“based on minor cycles”(基于次要循环基础上的)在语法上是修饰谁的?

是修饰“variations”(变异的)还是修饰“The major cycles”(主要循环)?


还有“prove up” 在英文翻译中是有“证明”的含义,但是在口语习惯上也有“勘探调查”的意思。循环是需要证明的,它是自然法则。对不对,其实江恩的原意是“勘探调查循环”调查那段循环的成因才能知道如何复制重演。



"In every law of nature there is a major and a minor; a positive, a negative, and a neutral. Therefore, in cycles there must be a lesser, a greater and intermediate cycle, or cycles within cycles. Like Ezekiel says: 'Wheel within a wheel.'





我建议大家去看原版的《空中隧道》,这是一本爱情小说,内容里面充满字谜和隐语,没有读懂这本书的人。不要吹嘘自己破解了什么,知识不是吹出来的,吹牛的人最终会把自己也吹破的。提示大家注意,为什么论述自然法则的这一段是在第7章?为什么会在75-81页?? 有功夫好好去思考吧


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